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Home Remedies For Acne - Some Remedies That Works


Home Remedies For Acne - Remedies That Can Help You!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Home Remedies For Acne - How To Cure Acne

Acne Home Remedies: The acne home remedies are becoming increasingly popular because of its effectiveness. However, before you start to see some home remedies for acne that have worked for others, it is important to note that the skin of the whole world is different and the condition of acne sufferers.

An ingredient in home remedies for acne that works for your best friend does not mean that will also work for you. Moreover, there are also some people who may have an allergic reaction to some home remedies that can leave your skin with a worst.So the first advice before trying any acne home remedies is to apply that on a small portion of your skin instead of applying it on your whole face or any other part of skin.

Home Remedies For Acne - Baking Soda

Talking about acne home remedies, baking soda mixed with water can be used as an acne home remedy and for blackheads and pimples. You can make the mixture using baking soda and water. This mixture can be used every day after cleansing your skin.

You can also create a thicker mixture and use it as a homemade mask against the acne once or twice a week. However, before using the mask, remember to test it in small quantity. To use the homemade mask gently rub the mixture onto your face with the help of fingers, without using force. Leave the mask to act for 15 to 30 minutes normally, but a little less if it is the first time that you are using.

This mask like other home remedies for pimples can cause a tingling sensation while having the mask on your face and your skin may be pink after removing the mask. However, if you have unusual symptoms such as redness that lasts until the next week, then stop using the special ingredient that causes the problem.

Home Remedies For Acne - Lemon Juice

Lemon juice squeezed from a real lemon not the kind that comes in the bottle. The freshly squeezed lemon juice is one of the acne home remedies that can help to reduce the healing time of pimples, leave less scarring, less inflammation and in some cases, reducing the appearance of old acne scars .

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Sunday, 20 May 2012

Relation Of Diet And Acne

Mostly adolescents are affected by acne, the truth is that this skin problem also affects adults. Whether stress or hormonal imbalance occur. Home remedies for acne are more effective as compare to expensive acne products. Acne is something that nobody likes and wants instant acne treatment. It can be solved through home remedies for acne scars to prevent future outbreaks.

The diet you take also effects the skin health. A diet rich in saturated fats or hydrogenated (trans) worsens acne and may be one of the causes of acne. Eliminating junk food, refined flour, colas and sweets from your diet can help much to treat acne and reduce the appearance of pimples and blackheads. On the other hand is recommended to include green vegetables to your diet. These foods are rich in beta carotene, a nutrient that helps maintain healthy skin and repair it. It has been proved that the best acne treatments are acne home remedies.

 Here are several natural solutions or home remedies for acne to get rid of pimples and blackheads.

Other foods that are good for skin health are:
- Nuts and seeds like almonds and pumpkin seeds. They contain essential vitamins and they are very good for the skin.
- Protein of good quality cold-water fish, eggs, lentils and beans.
- Take a cup of water every two hours for the body to eliminate toxins that cause acne.

Green tea is also very effective for acne scars removal. One of the benefits of green tea is that it fight against pimples and blackheads caused by acne.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Home Remedies For Acne - Some Remedies That Works

Acne is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands. Usually the acne pimples are located on the face, neck, chest and shoulders. Acne normally occurs in adolescence, due to hormonal changes that occur during this period. And almost six in ten young people and teenagers suffer from some degree of acne.

Home Remedies For Acne

Remedy for acne # 1: Aloe Vera is one of the best home remedies for acne. Apply, several times a day, the pulp of the aloe vera on the face or other effected areas of the skin. Aloe Vera works very good against acne.

Remedy for acne # 2: Squeeze some drops of lemon juice and apply a few drops on the affected areas directly. This action can only be done at night, because that day the lemon juice can stain the skin. Lemon juice dries up pimples and the process completes almost overnight.

Remedy for acne # 3: Constipation may be the cause of acne. It is recommended to combat this evil because in this way the acne will disappear. In this regard, taking of Sage tea is recommended three times a day.

Remedy for acne # 4: Garlic is also one of the good home remedies for acne. Rub raw garlic several times a day over the area of the face where acne is located. The garlic also helps in clearing the skin suffering from acne.

Remedy for acne # 5: Mix 1/2 cup of milk and three tablespoons of oatmeal, beat until it thickens; cool it and apply on the face for 15 minutes

Home Remedies For Acne - Recommendations

Some health tips for those people who have acne:
Wash your face at-least twice a day. Be careful with greasy products if you have skin with acne. Also avoid thick moisturizers and cleaners that are based on oil.Take a diet of fruits and vegetables. You should avoid fatty foods and chocolates.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Home Remedy For Acne - Best Remedies For Acne

There are many methods and recipes for treating and preventing acne. The traditional
home remedies for acne are used commonly and much effective.

Infusion Of Leaves Of Nettle

Take 2 tablespoons of the leaves of nettle, pour 400 ml boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Nettle herb is particularly indicated for treatment of acne. Follow a 4-week course of treatment, drinking 100 ml of infusion (or decoction) of nettle three times daily before meals.

Infusion Of Dandelion Root

Take a tablespoon of chopped dandelion roots. Pour 1 cup hot water, simmer for 15 minutes, cool 45 minutes, then drain. Drink before eating 1/3-1/2 cup 3 times a day. Use for abrasions, skin rashes, acne.

Decoction of the Roots OF BurdockTo prepare a decoction of the roots of burdock you have to take one tablespoon of chopped burdock root, pour in boiling water (0.5 L). And simmer for 10 minutes., Let it brew and then drain, cool to room temperature. sould take in 100 ml, 3-4 times a day. This recipe is fairly simple and yet effective home remedy for acne.

Broth spool grass

Take 8.5 g of grass spool (fresh - 2 spool or dry - 1 spool) pour 180 ml boiling water, drink a decoction made during the day.

You can also take the dried herb spool powder 10 g, 2 times a day, mixing with sugar. The use of herbs spool helps to get rid of acne on the face and back and its a proven home remedy for acne.

Tincture of garlic

If the acne came from lack of nutrients in the body, it is recommended to prepare an effective home remedy for acne.

To do this, grind 400 grams of garlic, pour it into a jar or bottle, pour rubbing alcohol or vodka, and leave in the sun light, until the liquid acquires a yellow color. Start using 5 drops daily and add 1 drop. Reaching up to 25 drops, gradually reduce their numbers in the same manner. After a couple of weeks, pimples will dry, sore pass.

Brewer's Yeast

If you eat brewer's yeast 1-2 teaspoons before a meal or while eating, facial skin is cleansed, pimples will disappear. The recipe is another effective Home Remedy For Acne.

Using Mint

You can get rid of acne on the face using mint. Take 1 tablespoon mint leaf, fill with 100 ml of boiled water and leave for 15 minutes. Then strain the broth, add the 20 ml (1 tablespoon) of boric alcohol, 20 ml of tincture of calendula, and 5 ml (teaspoon) of lemon juice. Wipe face this lotion in the mornings and evenings.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Home Remedies For Acne - Treatment Of Acne And Acne Scars

Acne vulgaris - the most common skin lesions in adolescents, usually associated with puberty. Acne is caused by a disturbance of normal function of sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Eels are pustular, nodular, with black and white heads. Untreated, pustules with necrotic content can lead to the formation of scar skin blemishes. Acne develops at the age of 12-25 years in 85% of the population, while usually in boys from 16 to 18 years, and girls from 15 to 18 years. In men, acne often go to 20 years, women have their appearance can continue beyond 30 years and worsen during menopause. Acne can grow under the influence of cosmetics at any age. Also, at any age Acne can spontaneously disappear.
Keep in mind that acne - it's not just a physical defect. The disease affects a person during the formation of personality, attitudes and social relationships can lead to a number of psychological disorders to depression and even psychosis.

Causes of Acne

Place of formation of acne is the sebaceous glands of the skin. The sebaceous glands combined with the hair follicle and are connected to the skin surface channel through which the hair may come out. Sebaceous gland secretes a secret, which, passing through the channel appears on the skin surface and are distributed over the surface, provides the hydration of the skin and hair. The sebaceous glands are located most densely in the face, chest, back and neck, so that acne is more common.
At puberty, androgens increase the number of both men and women. The sebaceous glands in response to changes in hormonal levels increase their activity, and wall thickening flow causes mechanical obstruction to the normal outflow of sebum. Clogged duct, which leads to the formation of "mikrokomedona" - the initial stage of the eel.
Despite the fact that sex hormones influence the development of acne, their levels in patients may be normal. It is believed that the increased sensitivity of receptors to the hormones that triggers the disease process.
Dead cells of the epithelial lining sebaceous duct in normal sshelushivayutsya and brought to the surface of the skin in the glandular secretion. When the outflow of difficulty, these cells accumulate in the channel, taking part in the formation of mikrokomedona. With further accumulation of sebaceous secretion and duct cells expands, which leads to the formation of closed comedones (with a white head), because the content is below the skin surface.
If the continuing stagnation of secretion and is increased, the content begins to flow out of the holes and form an open comedo with black head. The color is not due to oxidation of the head of fat or grease, and the presence of melanin, secreted by the superficial layer of the skin.
In the presence of inflammation around the comedone formed inflammatory nodules. These eels protrude above the surface of the skin, with redness of the skin in this area. Progression of inflammation leads to the formation of pustules.

Predisposing factors of acne

Acne can occur in women before menstruation, during ovulation and pregnancy. This is due to changes in hormonal levels. Hormonal contraceptives containing androgens, as well as prolonged stress or other emotional disturbances may also exacerbate acne.

Acne occur in conditions of high humidity, frequent and prolonged sweating.

Local skin irritation, rubbing, tight-fitting clothes can cause the appearance of acne.

Acne can also occur when using cosmetic products that contain oils that contribute to the comedones (lanolin, mineral oil and cocoa butter). This results in blockage of the follicle, which is the cause of the gain or acne. Acne can potentiate the intake of certain drugs (acne medicamentosa). Drugs that cause acne are androgens, oral contraceptives, iodides, bromides, ethionamide, azotiaprin, dantrolene, haloperidol, halothane, isoniazid, lithium, phenytoin, drugs to treat diseases of the thyroid gland and trimetadoin corticosteroids. The important role played by heredity.

Treatment of acne (acne)

Acne is rarely cured, but their expression can be controlled to varying degrees. If patients comply with prescribed treatment regimen significantly reduced symptoms and reduced the amount of scarring. Since acne is present for a long time, often begins with a young and lasts until mid-third decade, the treatment should be prolonged and consistent.

Any acne treatment should include:
- A clear implementation of the recommendations a doctor.
- Facilitation of physical and social discomfort.
- Remove the skin of excess sebum.
- Prevention of blockage of the ducts openings.
- Use of annoying to open channels.
- Addressing the conditions conducive to the emergence of acne (friction, cosmetics, based on oil).

Self-medication or consultation with a specialist?

Self is possible only with non-inflammatory acne formations with white and black heads and a small amount of precipitation (less than 10 on each side of the face). Treatment should be directed to the elimination of predisposing factors: the use of cosmetics, excessive sweating and skin exposure of chemical stimuli. In this case the patient should understand that treatment will be prolonged, a complete cure is not possible, you can only control the degree of severity of symptoms.
There are situations where self-treatment is unacceptable and should consult a dermatologist:

- In the presence of inflammatory acne, including pustules and nodules
- With considerable severity of acne (more than 10 on each side of the face).
If you anticipate the relationship of acne medication and comedogenic products (eg, androgens), you should consult with a gynecologist / endocrinologist.

Not medicinal resources

The fundamental point in the treatment of acne - the correct hygiene of the skin. The preferred method for removal of skin excess sebum - a well thought-out program of washing during the day, the purpose of which - a little dry skin (and possibly even cause a slight irritation). Affected areas should be washed thoroughly but carefully, at least twice a day with warm water, curative or ordinary soap, using a soft sponge. Wipe dry. More frequent washing can be applied to more oily skin. Washing should not be too vigorous, as it can worsen and cause the appearance of acne mechanical. When washing should be barely noticeable pilling (sshelushivanie) to reduce comedones. If necessary, the frequency and intensity of washing can be reduced, and soaps to pick up less dried.

Suitable for application and regular soap for the face that contains moisturizing oils. The effectiveness of soaps containing antibacterial ingredients in the treatment of acne has not been proved. Use for self-acne salicylic acid, sulfur and sulfur combination with resorcinol monoacetate or rezertsinola effectively and safely. But their inclusion in the soaps is impractical because after washing the skin, they are not.

To eliminate acne nevospalitelnyh recommended to use soft abrasive products (sponges, cleansers containing polyethylene or aluminum oxide). In inflammatory acne, they are contraindicated because they may increase irritation. If conditions do not allow to wash during the day, you can use special wipes, cotton balls soaked in special facilities.

Since the treatment of acne begins with the removal of excess fat from the skin, cosmetics and hair styling should be based on the water, not fat. Hair should be washed frequently, as acne is often accompanied by increased fat content of the skin.

Used earlier for treatment of acne sunlight and UV lamps are not currently recommended because they may worsen acne, skin aging and contribute to increased risk of cancer.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Home Remedies For Acne - Remedies That Can Help You!

Acne is perhaps the most dreaded health problem when one is young. Because of hormonal changes associated with puberty and subsequent blood impurities, yellow pus-filled forests, as the face, which are known as pimples. When this happens, it says that a person suffers from acne.

Almost everyone have pimples at one time or other in his life. As a rule, pimples will disappear after a couple of days, but if people do not take enough care, they can live life a scar behind. Also, pimples can spread on your face very quickly, especially if they broke their liquids come into contact with healthy skin. Although we Acne occurs mainly on the face, but also occurs on the chest, neck and back.

Young people created a lot of effort and money by using medicines for acne available on the market, but with disappointing results. But there are several natural methods by which acne can be prevented. Below is a list of the best known methods to combat acne.

Simple Home Remedies For Acne Treatment

Home Remedy For Acne - Method 1
 Wash your face with buttermilk several times a day. This will not only cure pimples, but also make your face shiny and healthy.

Home Remedy For Acne - Method 2
Take one seed jambula fruit (Indian Plum). Put them in water and rub it thoroughly so that it moistens completely. When the seed is sufficiently wet, then rub it thoroughly on the areas where there are pimples. This tool is especially useful for pimples that occur in adolescence.

Home Remedy For Acne - Method 3
Just rub the peel of an orange on pimples fn the fact that its juices moisten them completely. Even this simple procedure done several times a day will reduce and even eliminate acne.

Home Remedy For Acne - Method 4
Take a ripe pumpkin. Mash it thoroughly and then rub on the face. Keep it on the face for fifteen to twenty minutes. You will feel the skin drying up and stretching. This is when you should wash your face and then wipe it dry. Then apply the oil or coconut or mustard on your face. Prior to this week on a daily basis. Your acne problem will be solved, and the facial skin becomes smooth.

Home Remedy For Acne - Method 5
Mix ten grams of powdered chana (Chicheri arietinum, chana), and ten grams of haldi (Curcuma longa, turmeric) in curds. Apply this paste on the skin. Wash it off when it dries. Continue this procedure throughout the week. In the acne will clear.

Home Remedy For Acne - Method 6
Prepare a paste dissolving powders lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), coriander and vacha (Acorus calamus, Sweet Flag) in water. Apply this on your face on a regular basis. It will treat acne and skin looks as though it had never been sick pimples.

Home Remedy For Acne - Method 7
Roast some mustard seeds, chiraunji (Buchanania latifolia), and dried orange peel in equal parts. Grind them very fine powder. Put a little water and gave him a paste-like consistency. Apply this paste on the face once daily. It will solve your acne problem.

Home Remedy For Acne - Method 8
Take some nutmeg, and water from the red sandalwood. Break the nutmeg, and mix it into the water red sandalwood. The use of this water on your face will take care of all the pimples and keep skin soft and varnishes.

Home Remedy For Acne - Method 9
Another very simple but effective remedy is to prepare the influx leaves of tulsi (Ocimum sanctum, Holy Basil) and apply it regularly on your face. Also takine two to four teaspoons dried basil leaves in a cupful of water, bring to a boil and then cool it for use.

Home Remedy For Acne - Method 11
Take a cup of boiling water and add turmeric powder and leaves of tulsi. Let the smoke of the solutions in contact with your face, as if you have a steam bath. When done, wash your face immediately. This message will open your sweat pores. But washing it immediately, it will remove the grime and dust that causes acne. Therefore, it is a means of preventing more than cure.


Acne - How To Prevent Acne

Your skin exfoliate dead skin cells and releases the fat from the date of your birth. Your hormonal balance changes throughout life and affect the rate at which fat is released, and from which the skin peels off dead skin cells. Acne (acne), if these natural processes are broken.

Anyone can suffer from acne

About 90% of all teenagers suffer from acne, or acne. This problem can last an average of 7-8 years. But acne can also appear in 20 years and 30 years, particularly in women whose hormones are constantly changing. Acne in adults may take up to 20 years. It was found that one in four people aged 25-44 suffer from acne. Approximately half of all women suffer from acne and low to moderate severity. The study also showed that genetics plays a big role in the development and sustainability of acne. Thus, family history may also be possible to predict the occurrence of acne.

Until now, no means of getting rid of acne, prescription or over the counter. The secret to controlling acne is prevention, that is, stopping the formation of acne before it manifested itself in the form of acne. To avoid the appearance of scars, acne treatment is important since the first symptoms. Even after the disappearance of rash you should continue to be effective with acne, preventing the formation of new lesions. Just like brushing your teeth helps to prevent tooth decay, a daily skin care helps to prevent acne. Here are some rules of skin care:

Causes of acne

Doctors have determined what are the prerequisites for this disease. It was found that patient age and the food they eat does not affect the occurrence of acne. The reasons quite different:

    - Hormones and its features;
    - Activity of the sebaceous glands;
    - Diseases of the digestive tract;
    - A disease transmitted by inheritance;
    - Lowered immunity;
    - Stressful situations;
    - Allergic reactions;
    - Dysbiosis.

  How To Prevent Acne

    Nutrition - A balanced diet and plenty of water can help combat the formation of acne.
    Cleaning - Wash twice a day to remove excess fat, bacteria and dead skin cells. Avoid excessive washing.
    Protection - Avoid excessive sun exposure and apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, even with cloud cover.
    Rest - A good night's sleep (7-8 hours) can do wonders for your complexion and the immune system, so problem areas are restored more quickly.
    Charge - your skin benefits from the increase in blood flow and oxygen saturation, which is achieved by exercise.
    Warning - Do not use a lot of makeup, because it can clog pores. Remove all make-up before exercise and before bedtime.
    Relax - When you are tense, sweat glands produce more fat. It is important to find time to relax each day.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Acne Home Remedies – Acne Folk Remedies

Acne generates many psychological discomfort. As a rule, their appearance may be associated with puberty. Sometimes, to get rid of acne, acne home remedies are more effective then the modern creams and lotions available in the market. To lower the intensity of acne, the acne affected area or pimples should be washed twice a day , not with perfumed soap.

Acne Home Remedies - Pimples Treatment

 Pimples on the face can also be treated with aloe juice. One of the natural acne home remedies is Aloe Juice. Cut a few leaves of Aloe Vera, wrap it in a paper bag and place in refrigerator for a week. After a week, squeeze juice from them, and rub them on on your pimples every day, morning and evening.

Acne Home Remedies - Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a great way to combat acne. It can be used in any form. You can just apply aloe vera juice on the face, you can also use soap or gel containing aloe vera. They not only cleanse your skin of acne, but also accelerate its healing. The crushed leaves of the aloe also helps to get rid of acne: Very finely chop a few leaves (you can grate), and add one cup of water. Leave for 1 hour, and after the infusion boil for 2 minutes. Then cool slightly, and apply the pulp of aloe for 15 minutes on skin, where there are spots. Then after some time, wash the skin with cool water.

Acne Home Remedies - Treatment Through Mask Of Blue Clay

Prevent acne on face and remove existing ones by mask of blue clay: In 1 tablespoon of the blue clay powder, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of tincture of calendula, add some boiled water in it so that it will become thick as sour cream. Apply the mask evenly on face for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Acne Home Remedies - Potato Juice

Mix a teaspoon of honey with 1 tablespoon of onion or potato juice. Apply the mixture on the face (only on problem areas) for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with water. It’s one of the proven home remedies for acne. Cucumber mask also helps to get rid of pimples: Rub on a small grater, 1 fresh medium-sized cucumber. Fill it with a small amount of boiling water, to get a slurry liquid, leave for 20 minutes, then apply a paste on the face. After 15-minute rinse with cool water. You will feel the difference instantly.

Acne Home Remedies - Sandalwood Powder And Black Gram

If you have enough time, you can make a paste of sandalwood powder and black gram. Apply this paste on face and leave overnight, rinse with cold water in the morning. This tool tightens pores. You can apply cucumber juice on your face and wash off after 15 minutes.

Acne Home Remedies - How to Prevent Acne

Eat foods rich in fiber. Fermented foods can be eaten in unlimited quantities (yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk). Foods containing zinc also very useful for acne (crabs, shrimp, soy beans). Zinc is essential for normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. Eggs, peas, beans are excellent source of vitamin C. Avocados are the main source of niacin (vitamin B3). Niacin promotes healing of acne.

Acne Home Remedies - Acne Scar Removal

Problems with acne sooner or later come to an end, but traces of them remain for a longtime. It is therefore necessary to know how to prevent their occurrence. Never pluck the crust from the healing wound, try not to wet it. Baby powder is the best remedy for this. But if the scars still remain, modern medicine offers several ways to get rid of them. Vitamin E has ability to regenerate tissue.  The most valuable source of it is the germinated wheat. It is also present in unrefined vegetable oils, nuts, flour, meal.